Lunch & Learn – Women In Transportation

by / Thursday, 10 April 2014 / Published in Shipping News

Women In Transportation

Lunch & Learn: Women in Transportation, hosted by Toronto Transportation Club July 11, 2013.

Blogger R.J. Mojica was amazed at the number of women involved in the transportation business and impressed with the quality of the guest speakers: three great female leaders in the transportation industry.

Jacquie Meyers President of Meyers Transportation Services, spoke on Balancing Work and Life. Her experience in logistics has shown that managing priorities helps to maintain committments.

As the VP of Corporate Marketing at CN, Fiona Murray noted that women need to assert their achievements and take credit where due, or they will be overlooked. With women still in the minority in management they need to support each other.

Kelli Saunders, President of Morai Logistics, past president of TTC with 27 years’experience in logistics shared her thoughts on succeeding as a woman in a man’s field. She states that while you need a mentor, you must own your own identity, just use that role model for motivation.

Check out the Toronto Transportation Club.

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